IceCross Registration

Your first move will be to create an athlete profile on the ATSX database: fill it out with as many details as possible and make sure the email address you insert is a valid one, which we can easily reach you at. Please only use roman alphabet letters for your name (e.g., no Japanese , Arabic, nor Cyrillic characters…) From then, you will be attributed an official Rider’s code, e.g., USA0136M, this code will be linked to your participation in every race.
To attend any race, you will need an ATSX License. Get your season license (40€ / includes all ATSX races from 1st of July until the following June 30th) or single event license (15€ / one race) from your athlete’s Dashboard.
You will need a PayPal account to pay for the license. You can create a PayPal account for free here. Make sure you use the same email address as the one on your athlete profile. It is possible for someone else to pay for you, in such case, inform us by email which PayPal email address made the payment so that we can link the licence to your ATSX profile. Send this info to: international@atsx.org. From the moment you receive the PayPal confirmation email, it takes a few days to process on your Athlete profile. So don’t panic if it does not show up straight away, it has to be processed manually.
Note: the ATSX License does NOT include any sport insurance. A personal liability insurance covering for the risks inherent to the sport of Ice Cross is mandatory to take part in any ATSX race. Please bring a copy of the insurance policy with you at the races.
The sport of Ice Cross, governed by the ATSX, offers different levels of competition, which together form the Ice Cross World Championship.
It consists in 3 different competition levels: ATSX 250, the entry level, ATSX 500 with higher standards of organisation and finally the top level, invitational-only ATSX 1000 (formerly Red Bull Crashed Ice).
ATSX 250 and ATSX 500 races
They are open to all, no matter the country, nor the experience. The only limitation is the available capacity per category (Men, Women and Junior). This means that, once registration is open, everyone can register to those races, on a first come first served basis (stay tuned on official social media platforms, it will be announced with links to the individual race event pages). If maximum capacity has been reached, it may be that registration for a category closes before the deadline. Move fast to ensure your spot!
ATSX 1000 races
They are TOP level races. You can only access it if you qualify for it. Generally speaking, you must accumulate points by participating in the 250 and 500 points races. The points you earned there, compile into the world ranking. Depending on your category and the number of points , you will eventually earn a spot to the 1000 point race.
Many factors are involved such as nation, gender, and so on. However, as a general rule, the more points the more chances to get invited. Moreover, some quotas apply for the invitation list. Please refer to the quotas section available in the Athlete Rulebook. In any case, you will be required to prove your blade in at least one of the ATSX 250 or ATSX 500 races before stepping onto a technical ATSX 1000 track.
More details on the different levels of competition available in the Athlete’s Rulebook.
This is a mixed gender category, male and female juniors compete together for the same podium. To be eligible, a junior must be must be from 16 years old up to 21 years old (excluded) before 1st of July 2019. In other words, he/she cannot be born before 1st of July 1997; he/she must be minimum 16 years old on from the moment he/she steps on the ice at the 1st training of a race.
Junior applicants must apply either through their local National Association /Federation or by contacting directly the international sport department. You can already prepare a short video showcasing your best skating skills for the sport of Ice Cross (preferably on ice).
A junior, once confirmed by the organisation, has the right to compete in both Junior and Senior categories, provided he/she qualifies for the Senior category (for the ATSX 1000, see Rulebook).
Juniors, no matter their age (even if over 18), will need to get the athlete’s parents to give their consent on a disclaimer that has to be signed by both the athlete and their parent or legal guardian. This document is provided by the organisation in advance of each race. The file is downloadable in the information section of each event in the “Calendar & Results” on data.atsx.org after you registered.
You now know which race you either want or are invited to attend, you own an ATSX Licence there are 2 main steps you need to take to register:
1)log onto your Athlete’s profile on the ATSX Database and from your Dashboard look for the races that are available for registration. Click on “Register for...” and follow the steps.
2) Registration fees for that race will be indicated. Payment is sometimes via the ATSX Database directly, sometimes external via the organiser’s website. Link to organizers’ websites are accessible in the information section of each event in the 'Calendar & Results' on data.atssx.org.
Note: if you want to compete in both Junior and Senior (and are eligible for both categories) you will need to register twice (once in each category).
Registration window for each race is indicated on the registration section. Sign up before the end of the corresponding period. You will receive confirmation by email and it will show on your Dashboard at data.atsx.org.
Please note that Registration is only valid once the payment has been completed. The organisation reserves the right to remove from the participants list any athlete who registered and did not pay the registration fees, in order to allow other athletes to register. For Payment issues, please contact the organizer or the ATSX.